In the real estate industry, accurate financial reporting is not just a good practice; it is essential for avoiding hefty tax bills and ensuring the long-term success of a business. Recently, a real estate development company approached my firm for tax defense after the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) issued a tax assessment of over ₦250 million for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022.  During our initial discovery call, it quickly became clear

hat several critical accounting errors had led to this situation—mistakes that could have been avoided with proper financial practices. 


The company had been operating without a formal accounting system for several years, based on misguided advice that staying off the FIRS radar would avoid tax liabilities. Due to the absence of an organized accounting system, the company lacked a proper income recognition policy, leading to a significant oversight. FIRS, upon reviewing the company’s bank statements, treated all deposits as taxable income, which was not the case. Many account transfers—not actual income. Additionally, deposits included funds for the sale of land and houses that hadn’t yet been fully recognized as revenue. Without accurate financial records, the company couldn’t effectively contest the assessment, leading to an inflated tax liability. 

After a thorough review and defense, we were able to reduce the tax bill significantly, ultimately saving the company over 230 million. The company paid just 20 million, including penalties and interest, thanks to the proper categorization and defense of their financial records. 

This experience underscores the importance of accurate financial reporting and the common pitfalls that real estate developers face without it.  Here are three critical mistakes that can lead to substantial tax bills: 


One of the most significant mistakes real estate developers make is operating without a formal accounting system. While passion and vision are important, real estate is a business that requires structured financial management. An accounting system is not just a tool for tracking income and expenses: it is essential for proper income recognition, liability management, and for providing transparency to external stakeholders like investors, banks, regulatory authorities, and tax bodies like FIRS. 

SOLUTION: Developers should implement a reliable accounting system from the start. This system should accurately track all financial transactions, clearly differentiate between types of income, and provide real-time insights into the company’s financial health. 


Even when an accounting system is in place, it can often be misused or insufficiently tailored to the company’s needs. In the case mentioned, the absence of a clear income recognition policy and improper transaction categorization were significant issues. Additionally, the company’s accounting staff lacked specialized knowledge in real estate accounting, which is crucial for accurate financial  reporting in this sector. 

SOLUTION: Regular training for accounting teams is essential to ensure proper use of the accounting system. The system itself should be customized to meet the unique needs of real estate development, including clear policies on income recognition and expense categorization. Hiring or training accountants with specific expertise in real estate is also critical. 


Another common issue is that real estate developers often delay tax compliance, only addressing it when prompted by tax authorities. This reactive approach can result in rushed filings, errors, and larger tax liabilities. Many developers are not fully aware of the specific tax obligations related to real estate in Nigeria, which can lead to significant financial penalties. 

SOLUTION: Engage with a specialized accounting firm as early as possible in the project lifecycle. This proactive approach ensures that all tax compliance matters are handled in a timely and accurate manner, reducing the risk of penalties and inflated assessments. 


  1. ENGAGE A REAL ESTATE ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST: Real estate development requires specialized know edge that general accounting firms may not possess.  A firm experienced in real estate accounting will better manage the financial complexities of the industry, ensuring accurate reporting and compliance. 
  2. INVOLVE ACCOUNTANTS FROM PROJECT INITIA TION: Accounting should not be an afterthought.  Involving accountants from the beginning of a project ensures that all financial aspects are properly managed from day one. 
  3. OUTSOURCE IF NECESSARY: If your business isn’t large enough to justify an in-house accounting team, consider outsourcing these services. Outsourcing can provide access to specialized expertise without the overhead of maintaining an in-house team. If your business is large enough, consider training your accountants specifically in real estate accounting. 


Accurate financial reporting is crucial not only for the effective management of real estate businesses but also for safeguarding against substantial tax liabilities. By avoiding common pitfalls such as operating without a proper accounting system, misusing – existing systems, and delaying tax compliance, developers can protect their financial health and ensure the long-term success of their projects.  Engaging with a specialized accounting firm early on is one of the best ways to prevent these risks and secure the future of your business.  

Bayode Agbi, MSc, MBA, FCA, FCIT, is the Principal Partner of Agbi Bayode and Co (Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Practitioners), an accounting firm specializing in accounting and tax advisory services for Nigeria’s real estate sector. Through its subsidiary, Pillar craft Accounting and Pillarcraft Cloud Solutions, the firm provides expert outsourced accounting, tax defense, and technological solutions to help real estate companies achieve their strategic goals. Bayode’s deep expertise and visionary leadership have positioned him as a trusted advisor and industry authority. 08033219619


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